2017-18 Unit Plan
Sustainability Steering Committee

Mission Statement

The college continues its legacy of leadership in sustainability by modeling sustainability in its instructional program, curriculum, student and civic engagement activities, facilities and operations, land use planning and other practices.

Program Description

可持续发展委员会为学院的可持续发展倡议提供监督.  This group consists of representatives from faculty, administrators, management, student services, public relations and marketing, information technology, and students.  
In 2014-2015, 学院更新了其战略方向,并改变了其可持续发展倡议的重点.  2015-2016年,学院为实施其战略方向提供了优先事项. 在可持续发展方面,该地区的首要任务是减少纸张的使用. The current status for all of the objectives for the Modeling Sustainability strategic initiative is below:

Initiative 5.  Modeling Sustainability

Butte College embraces sustainability by engaging students, faculty, staff, 与社区进行对话,促进可持续的实践和运作.  


        A.  Providing educational opportunities in the area of sustainability by:
               1)开发和实施高需求劳动力市场的课程、证书和学位.  目前状况:学院现有的可持续发展研究证书仍在继续.  The current emphasis is on developing classes and programs that are aligned with the California State University, Chico engineering and construction management programs.  The college hired a full-time, 他是工程学的终身教职员工,在这项工作中处于领先地位.  
               2) Supporting the development of new agricultural models as effective practices for students and the community.  Current status:  The Sustainability Resource Center has featured a Permaculture Design workshop series for the past 4 semesters and has hosted workshops and presenters to showcase new agricultural models.  Many Ag classes have attended these presentations.
               3)增加促进绿色实践的校园实习机会.  Current status:  Student Life hired a permanent part-time classified employee to help coordinate efforts at the Sustainability Resource Center. The SRC is exploring how to incorporate more service learning and internship opportunities for fall 2016. 设施管理处目前有两名学生员工负责回收.
              4)在可持续发展领域为教职员工提供专业发展.  Current status: Professional Development, in support of Student Life & the SRC, supports and assigns flex credit to many of the opportunities offered through that office including but not limited to workshops conducted during Campus Sustainability Days, Earth Day, the Permaculture Workshop Series and other related sustainability events.  Further, flex workshops proposed for the fall and spring semester flex week are encouraged to contain a sustainability component when appropriate. 
                     5)  Conducting campus and community education.  Current status:  Student Life has a permanent part-time employee working in the SRC to increase campus and community opportunities for education and awareness.  Kelly Munson is also working in coordination with the Butte Environmental Council and CSUC contacts to collaborate on community education projects.

      B.  Continuing to reduce the college’s carbon footprint and waste by:  
             1)与外部机构合作,为学生提供公共交通选择, faculty and staff.  Current status:  Facilities has been in contact with the Butte County Association of Governments to continue the dialogue about addressing this need for a public transportation option to the main campus.  This will be difficult based on the location of the college off of the main routes between the various cities in the county.  
             2)  Continuing to focus on reducing single passenger commuting practices.   现状:SRC正在努力宣传拼车的好处.  We also have established 10 new charging stations on the main campus.  We captured $120,000 from outside sources for establishing charging station infrastructure which requires a commitment to utilize stations for subscription services for 18-months (After term, can be used as the District directs.)
             3)  Educating faculty, staff and students on effective practices to reduce paper usage by methods such as 强调使用MyBC并为日常流程创建电子表单.  Current status:  There has been discussion in a variety of forums about focusing on the reduction of paper usage by changing processes and incentives.  The college has purchased Image Now, a document imaging system that provides a capability to scan data into the college's Enterprise Resource and Planning System. Image Now还提供了从纸张密集型流程过渡到无纸化流程的功能. The implementation of this system is underway. 学院还没有实施Share Point 2013,这将改善MyBC的功能.  新的复印机合同续签将重点放在减少学院的纸张使用量上.  For instance, most computers are now routed to copiers which offer double sided printing (instead of personal desk jet printing).
            4)  Further reducing waste in Dining Services. Current status: Dining Services continues to move toward zero waste through the use of more efficient methods of food preparation, serving, and rotation.  通过确保准确的产品标准,可以避免超支和浪费.  
            5)监测温室气体(GHG),并相应地修改学院的做法.  Current status:  A second GHG inventory was conducted in 2011-2012.  As expected, this inventory showed that electricity usage declined significantly as a driver of greenhouse gases and that the college's main source of greenhouse gases is commute to the campus by students, faculty and staff.  The bus system provides transportation to the campus at .17 lbs. CO2/passenger mile while private cars are at .79 lbs. CO2/passenger mile.
            (六)继续发展和实施节能和替代能源生产. 目前状况:我们现在生产了该区消耗的大约90%的电力. 在39号提案的资助下,未来几年将有几个项目得以实施.

      C.  Demonstrating environmental stewardship through water conservation by:
           1)通过教育和无障碍水站大幅减少瓶装水的使用.  Current status: Facilities is systematically installing bottle filling stations as part of its scheduled maintenance program. Thirty –six stations have been installed to date. 
           2)  Researching, and if feasible, 将循环水用于农业灌溉和景观灌溉等有益用途. Current status: Dialog is beginning. 第一个可能的项目是修复1号塘,收集雨水用于灌溉.
           3)绿化,利用原生植物和生态草,增加校园的美感.  Current status: Over the past year approximately 16 acres of turf grass has been removed from the irrigation program, reducing the district’s water use by about 40%. 
          4)	  Focusing on campus water conservation and the elimination of water waste. 当前状况:控制器已经更换,但喷头仍然效率低下.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Sustainability program expenses

Amount: 7500.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

对学院的好处是对学生、教职员工进行可持续发展的教育. The funds were used for campus events, workshops, guest speakers, maintaining professional memberships, and supporting attendance at conferences.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

The outcomes for Strategic Initiative #5 (Sustainability) are the outcomes for the Sustainability Committee.

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

This is not applicable to a campus committee.

Strategic Direction

The Sustainability Committee supports the college in meeting its Strategic Direction and Priorities by implementing the sustainability initiative #5 "Modeling Sustainability".  The Sustainability Steering Committee is focused on developing, implementing and evaluating strategies to achieve this intiative.

Program Review


Department Goals


a. Providing educational opportunities in the area of sustainability by:

1)     Supporting, along with local and regional partners, opportunities for student and faculty applied research, 课堂外创新实践的发展和实施. 

2)      Developing sustainability-focused courses, 转学和职业导向教育成果的证书和学位.



5)      Conducting campus and community education. 


b.       Reducing the college’s carbon footprint and waste by: 

1)      Focusing on reducing single passenger commuting practices including collaboration with external agencies to provide public transportation.

2)      Educating faculty, 教教职员及学生如何透过“即时影像”计划,有效减少纸张的使用, 强调使用MyBC并为日常流程创建电子表单. 

3)      Considering greenhouse gases (GHG) effects during new construction.


5)  Creating EV charging capacity. 


7)  Researching best practices at other colleges, including but not limited to energy conservation, waste reduction and divestment campaigns


c.       Demonstrating environmental stewardship through water conservation by:

1)      Researching, and if feasible, 将循环水用于农业灌溉和景观灌溉等有益用途.





Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Educational Opportunities

Provide educational opportunities in the area of sustainability by:

Supporting, along with local and regional partners, opportunities for student and faculty applied research, 课堂外创新实践的发展和实施. 

  • Collaboration with MESA applied research projects.
  • Collaboration with Energize Colleges partnerships in the community
  • Faculty curriculum summit

Developing sustainability-focused courses, 转学和职业导向教育成果的证书和学位.

  • Energize Colleges renewable energy curriculum development
  • Collaboration with CSU system development of a new Sustainability minor
  • Review and update our Sustainability Studies Certificate
  • Faculty curriculum summit


  • Energize Colleges internships
  • Work experience at the Sustainability Resource Center


  • Energize Colleges refaculty mini-grant projects
  • Flex week workshops
  • Conference attendance
  • Facutly curriculum summit

Conducting campus and community education. 

  • Campus events, presentations and workshops

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Sustainability is part of the mission statement, one of the college's values and a strategic initiative.  Infusing sustainability into the curriculum and the institutional dialogue is critical to making the mission, value, and initiative a reality.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Carbon Footprint Reduction

Continue to reduce the college’s carbon footprint by:

Focusing on reducing single passenger commuting practices including collaboration with external agencies to provide public transportation.

  • 与协会合作,支持推广拼车的宣传工作.

Educating faculty, 教教职员及学生如何透过“即时影像”计划,有效减少纸张的使用, 强调使用MyBC并为日常流程创建电子表单. 

  • Continue with these efforts

Considering greenhouse gases (GHG) effects during new construction.

  • Discuss GHG impacts during decision making


  • Look at ways for FPM to increase efforts.
  • Work with employees to conserve energy in classrooms and offices.

Creating EV charging capacity. 

  • Continue to increase infrastructure for electric vehicles.


  • Continue to install water stations throughout the campus.

Researching best practices at other colleges, including but not limited to energy conservation, waste reduction and divestment campaigns

  • Attend conferences and network with other institutions.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

根据学院的温室气体清单,我们67%的碳排放来自汽车 & buses go to and from the college in addition to our on-campus fleet.  Focusing on transportation to reduce our carbon footprint should be a focus for the college and thus the sustainability steering committee if we want to reduce our impact to the environment. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Water Conservation

Demonstrate environmental stewardship through water conservation by:

1. 继续开展旱景绿化活动,通过种植本地植物和生态草来美化校园.

  • 继续实施将现有景观和草皮过渡到低灌溉/无灌溉景观的计划.
  • Continue to implement state standards for irrigation (SB1881).
  • 将本地植物和/或耐旱景观纳入新的建筑标准.

2. Focus on campus water conservation and the elimination of water waste.

  • Select plants that have low water requirements
  • 密切管理灌溉系统,并根据需要进行调整,使其尽可能高效
  • Repair leaks

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

水资源保护是一个关键问题,尤其是考虑到加州持续的干旱. This future development strategy enables Butte College to provide leadership on this critical issue and to model appropriate behaviors to students and the community.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Sustainability Committee Operating Expenses 11099110660013 55890 $10,000.00 $0.00
Sustainability Program This augmentation provides resources to maintain existing memberships, support educational events, faculty development, 以及会议旅行以实现地区倡议"建模可持续性". It will also support the Energize Colleges Partnership.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
2 Sustainability Committee Personnel 11099110660013 52200 $18,500.00 $0.00
To support the Energize Colleges Partnership The “Energize Colleges” program is a part of the statewide organization called Strategic Energy Innovations. They are currently working with 12 colleges (UC, CSU and CACC) in California, including Butte College in a 2 ½ to 3 year program cycle. Their focus is to help colleges help students think about careers in CA’s future climate energy workforce to achieve CA’s energy goals. Their program includes Energy Education and Energy Internships. They have funded a “fellow” to work full time at Butte College until the end of SP16 to organize campus education & outreach, help develop/adapt curriculum (to include more energy education), coordinate faculty mini-grants, and coordinate student internships.