2018-19 Unit Plan
Student Orientation

Mission Statement

入学指导和Reg2Go项目的任务是通过帮助新生完成入学过程来鼓励学生取得成功.  在专业和知识渊博的工作人员的指导下,这些项目让学生们对他们的教育充满热情.  The programs help to create a respectful, welcoming, 舒适的校园让学生感受到联系和支持. 

Program Description

迎新会的目标是让新生顺利过渡到十大网赌正规平台.  After completing the Orientation Program, 新生将熟悉注册流程, be able to locate their classrooms, 并且要熟悉为他们提供的学生服务. 迎新项目利用训练有素的十大网赌正规平台学生作为迎新领导.  The leaders provide information about student services, help set up My BC/Portal accounts, and lead campus tours during Orientation.  一学年将有超过3000名新生参加迎新会.

Reg2Go计划旨在促进和帮助高中毕业生过渡到十大网赌正规平台.  Reg2Go项目包括三个部分:课堂访问, Assessment/Orientation, and Counseling/Registration.  Through the Reg2Go Program, 高年级学生可以在高中毕业前达到入学要求并注册课程.  来自40多所高中的1300多名高年级学生将参加Reg2Go项目.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Orientation Booklet and Catalogs

Amount: 15000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes


Accountability Item 2

Roadrunner Rush

Amount: 5000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

在开学前一周为新生提供欢迎.  Provided workshops, icebreakers, campus tours and more.   Had over 500 students attend the event.

Accountability Item 3

Leadership Academy

Amount: 1000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Week long training for student leaders from across campus. 

Accountability Item 4

NODA Conference

Amount: 2000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes


Accountability Item 5

Reg2Go Counselor Breakfast

Amount: 2000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes


Accountability Item 6

Recruitment and Outreach Travel

Amount: 5000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes


Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

我们目前正在评估我们的SLO,以确保该计划的持续改进. 已经建立了前/后测试,并正在进行学生调查,以帮助确定测试的内容. These will be administered during the next school year.









(5) Description of available programs, support services, financial aid assistance, and campus facilities, 以及如何进入:在迎新期间,迎新领导会提供详细的校园参观,包括可用的项目, support services, financial aid assistance, and campus facilities, and how they can be accessed.  学术顾问也审查学术课程和完成要求.

(6)校历和重要时间表:在迎新期间,学生将获得一份印有校历和重要时间表的资料小册子.  这些资料也在迎新领导的协助下进行审查.

(7)注册和大学费用:在新生培训期间,学生将获得一份印刷的资源手册,其中包括如何注册和描述大学费用.  这些资料也在迎新领导的协助下进行审查.

(8)可用的教育规划服务:在入学指导期间,学术顾问提供一个介绍十大网赌正规平台教育规划服务的报告.  这些信息也会在迎新领导的校园参观中分享.

Strategic Direction


Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement

Connection (b.1.Reg2Go计划与超过35所当地高中合作,为他们的学生创建一个无缝和支持性的入学过程.

Entry (c.1.迎新和Reg2Go项目促进了新生的教育规划和注册,并为他们提供了简短的学生教育计划(ASEP).

Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness


Program Review

Reg2Go Recommendations and Action/Updates 

  1. 制定教育计划,告诉学生在第一学期之后应该学习哪些课程. 为获得AA学位和/或转学创建一个更清晰的模板. 制定一个建议的每学期的途径/大纲,以满足证书, AA degree, and 4-year transfer requirements.  我们仍在努力改进与学生选择专业的途径和模板相关的规划.
  2. 探索跟踪那些没有注册课程的学生的方法.  我们的招聘和外联技术人员将在迎新会后跟进学生.

Orientation Recommendations and Action/Updates

  1. 考虑将性暴力培训转为在线形式, perhaps by adding a Safe Place video to Roadrunner Prep. Safe Place正在探索支持在迎新会上现场演示的其他格式. 我们正在制作一个欢迎视频,并在培训期间方便注册.
  2. Move the campus tour to morning. 这仍在与其他部门参与迎新讨论.
  3. Provide water. This is being considered.
  4. 尽可能地寻求资金,以解决空间和计算机实验室的缺乏. This is still being considered and discussed. In addition, this is an issue we come across during Reg2Go. 

Department Goals

  1. 继续确保我们符合SB 1456 (SSSP)中描述的指导方针。.
  2. Continue to develop and refine our SLO's.
  3. 创建和指导计划委员会,以促进计划的改变和改进. 

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Roadrunner Rush

Annual event for new students.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Roadrunner Rush是新学期开始前的主要欢迎活动之一.  There will be academic workshops, motivational speakers, 奖品和其他活动让学生们对开学感到兴奋,并向他们展示他们可以得到的支持.


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 2 - Leadership Academy

Training for Student Leaders

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

领导力学院帮助我们的学生领袖准备迎新培训, involvement in student government, student clubs and other activities on campus.  该学院是一个为期一周的活动,重点关注个人领导者如何更加了解自己的学习风格, their strengths, and how to use their strengths in different settings.


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 3 - NODA Travel

Training for Staff and Student Leaders

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

The mission of NODA is to provide education, 大学生导向领域的领导与专业发展, transition and retention. 为我们的员工提供专业的成长机会有助于确保我们为新学生提供最好的课程.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 4 - Orientation Leaders and Supplies

Student Leaders, printed material, supplies, etc.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

We are continually creating new Orientations programs, processes, and services for targeted groups (Foster Youth, DSPS, Veterans, etc.),这通常会带来额外的员工和/或材料成本. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No

Strategy 5 - Improve Orientation Experience

VZ Sign-Up Software, Snacks & Water, Online Orientation, etc.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

我们正在实施的VZ方向注册软件的过程中, which facilitaties the sign up process for students. 这是一个软件,我们在过去使用,并期待着带回来. 这个过程将鼓励学生在注册过程中使用他们的十大网赌正规平台电子邮件和密码,以便更好地准备迎新日. 

Orientation is a 5 hour enriched program. 我们希望在新生培训期间提供能量小吃和喝水休息时间,为学生们提供重新充电和补充大脑能量的机会. 这样的休息可以帮助学生记住在迎新课上讲过的信息. 

我们一直在改善我们的在线培训体验,以帮助学生成功. We are looking at potential Online Orientation Platforms.  

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources

  1. Dedicated Student Services Computer Lab
  2. Meeting space for 20-30 people
  3. 访问Reg2Go的计算机实验室(例如:图书馆实验室等).) 

Current Financial Resources

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Orientation Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55630 $0.00 $8,000.00
VZ Orientation Sign-Up Process 我们正在实施的VZ方向注册软件的过程中, which facilitates the sign up process for students. 这个过程将鼓励学生在注册过程中使用他们的十大网赌正规平台电子邮件和密码,以便更好地准备迎新日.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • 为在线学生和在校外中心就读的学生提供类似的支持服务
  • 提供有效的电子媒介通信(e).g. website, social media, 营销材料,信息和wifi接入),支持学生的成功和 completion
  • Addressing Program Review Recommendations
2 Orientation & Reg2Go Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 54200 $0.00 $15,000.00
Orientation/Reg2Go Booklets, Catalogs & Handouts 新生入学指导手册包含新生入学当天和第一学期所需的信息. 我们还打印了比特学院目录的硬拷贝,以便学生和辅导员在迎新时更容易使用. We use approximately 650 catalogs.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
  • 与K-12管理人员,教师和辅导员有效合作,以设置 适当的学生期望,调整课程和途径,并提供 高中生在高中期间获得大学学分的机会
3 Orientation Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55890 $0.00 $5,000.00
Roadrunner Rush Supplies 为新生提供与其他学生和项目联系的机会. The expenses include $2,500 for team builder, $2000 for food/drinks, and $500 for supplies and printing.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
4 Reg2Go Operating Expenses 11.000.701.1.620002 55240 $0.00 $2,000.00
Reg2Go Counselor Breakfast and Family Orientation Reg2Go秋季辅导员早餐是一年中唯一一次与我们在高中的合作伙伴一起回顾整个项目的时间. Since Reg2Go takes place during the work day, 家长迎新会让家长了解我们的项目和为学生提供的服务. This understanding helps parents support their students.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
5 Reg2Go Operating Expenses 11.000.701.1.620002 55200 $0.00 $5,000.00
Reg2Go Travel (High School Visits) 我们的招聘和外联技术人员是当地高中的联络员. 在Reg2Go项目期间,我们的招聘人员前往他们指定的高中,介绍我们的校园和服务, 举办申请研讨会,以促进学生的录取过程, 并协助评估处在高中监考.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Implementing the 2018-2019 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • 与K-12管理人员,教师和辅导员有效合作,以设置 适当的学生期望,调整课程和途径,并提供 高中生在高中期间获得大学学分的机会
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
6 Orientation Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55890 $1,000.00 $0.00
Leadership Academy 针对学生领袖 -这相当于学生的BCLDI. It is a way to invest in our student leaders. 领导学院在春季学期结束后的第一周举行,新生领导必须参加. 费用包括食品、非教学用品和优势识别器代码.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
7 Orientation & Reg2Go Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55240 $0.00 $17,000.00
Snacks/Water at Orientation & Reg2Go Orientation is a 5 hour enriched program. 我们希望在新生培训期间提供能量小吃和喝水休息时间,为学生们提供重新充电和补充大脑能量的机会. 这样的休息可以帮助学生记住在迎新课上讲过的信息.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • Addressing Program Review Recommendations
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
8 Orientation Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55200 $3,000.00 $0.00
Registration for NODA 我们的工作人员可以在NODA会议上获得大量的其他培训项目. 在过去5年里实施的许多项目修订都是十大网赌正规平台派遣工作人员到野田的直接结果.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
9 Orientation Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55820 $0.00 $13,500.00
Academic Planners for Students 为参加迎新活动的学生提供学术计划. 计划包括十大网赌正规平台的学生行为准则、学生服务资源等等.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing
10 Orientation Operating Expenses 11.000.708.1.639006 55630 $17,500.00 $5,000.00
Online Orientation (Advantage Design Group) 我们一直在改善我们的在线培训体验,以帮助学生成功. We are looking at potential Online Orientation Platforms.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 为在线学生和在校外中心就读的学生提供类似的支持服务
  • 提供有效的电子媒介通信(e).g. website, social media, 营销材料,信息和wifi接入),支持学生的成功和 completion
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing