

住在社会文化研究系, 政治学促进学生的成功, 完成和转让. 政治科学 seeks to create lifelong learners who understand and appreciate the significance of politics and government, 以及公民参与.


The 政治科学 程序 creates a transfer pathway for students who plan to complete a four-year degree at a California State University. 在完成政治学AA-T学位后, students will possess the requisite foundational knowledge as well as the practical skills necessary for subsequent completion of the baccalaureate degree. Upon 成功ful completion of the 政治科学 程序, the student will be able to:

1. 找出美国政府制度的主要方面, 个别州(尤其是加州), 并在全球范围内比较政府系统.
2. Place various governmental systems within a developmental/historical framework. 描述方法, 分析, and theory will also be important factors for students who select 政治科学 as their major.

The courses that comprise the AA-T degree are also for Butte 和转让 General Education. 每学年开设55个课程, 政治科学 serves a significant number of students and meets an array of important General Education 和转让 requirements.

Currently, there are 2 full-time faculty in the discipline, and 6 associate faculty. In Spring 2019, 64% of sections offered in 政治科学 were taught by associate faculty.



Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments) (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments) (Optional)





政治科学 completed its most recent Program Review in May 2012. The Validation Team provided three Recommendations, one of which has not been adequately addressed:

  1. 建议聘请全职教员. *** Cynthia Bynoe was hired as a full-time instructor in the discipline, starting in Fall 2013. She is currently the only active full-time faculty to manage the curriculum or extracurricular work = lack of ability to grow a 程序 that could easily grow and expand, as well as have real world application to our local community and local government/policy makers.


  1. 发展政治学作为一门学科 真正的 程序 在比特学院学习,而不仅仅是作为目录上的学位.


策略1 -聘用新教员


  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


Currently, there are 74 students who have indicated 政治科学 as their Academic Program. Last Spring the number was 95; in Spring 2017 there were 83 declared majors. 然而,, the number of earned degrees remains low: 3 degrees awarded in the 2017 academic year, 9 in 2016, 2015年4个.

With only one active full-time faculty to manage the curriculum and extracurricular work, POS lacks the ability to develop a 程序 that could easily grow and expand, as well as have greater real-world application to our local community and local government/policy makers. 与另一名相关的全职教练, we can better provide the kind of consistency and support for the discipline that is needed: to oversee curriculum matters; to steward the degree 程序 and mentor students therein in support of Guided Pathways; to form and maintain relationships with high school and four-year 程序s; to spearhead meaningful assessments and implement improvements, especially around civic engagement; and to meet reporting requirements for Student Learning Outcomes, 单元计划, 和项目审查.

Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: Yes

战略2 -扩大公民参与计划

政治科学 would like to hire an intern to help with the logistics of growing a civic engagement 程序. This can be done with Federal Work Study money or existing 程序 funds. 预计每周工作时间为5-8小时.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


POS 2 makes up 75% of our course offerings and meets a unique GE requirement for transfer to CSUs and UCs. Expanding civic engagement opportunities for students will increase achievement of course outcomes, 同时也有助于提高课程的留存率, 成功, 持久性, 和转让. 对学生来说,POS 2课程的一个重要成果是, ,分析如何有效地参与国家政治, 状态, 县和(或)市级别." The faculty are excited about Chico State's Town Hall Meeting event, 以及这在多大程度上支持了学生实现这一目标. A planned improvement is to make participation in this event more consistent, and to also try to create more events on the Butte College campus where students are able to discuss their research with policy actors.  Currently this involves a lot of outside time for one faculty member to handle alone. 一个例子是THM团队每周五开会, and each CSUC course is assigned an instructor and a graduate student. 十大网赌正规平台的准备工作是单独进行的, and communications with CSUC’s FYE 程序 to handle all the logistics for Butte Students. Butte POS程序在Fireside程序中尝试了这一点, but found it to be too much work and not cost effective for only one active full member to handle.

Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: Yes


政治科学 would like to hire an intern to help with the logistics of growing a civic engagement 程序. This can be done with Federal Work Study money or existing 程序 funds. 预计每周工作时间为5-8小时.


The Butte College General Fund is the sole source of financial support for the 政治科学 discipline. 年度预算拨款为1617美元. This money should be spent on growing the civic engagement component of the 程序, this is the real world application and our only current exposure to transfer institutions. 


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 政治学(POS) 人员 $0.00 $114,000.00
聘请全职教师 Currently, there are 74 students who have indicated 政治科学 as their Academic Program. Last Spring the number was 95; in Spring 2017 there were 83 declared majors. 然而,, the number of earned degrees remains low: 3 degrees awarded in the 2017 academic year, 9 in 2016, 2015年4个. With only one active full-time faculty to manage the curriculum and extracurricular work, POS lacks the ability to develop a 程序 that could easily grow and expand, as well as have greater real-world application to our local community and local government/policy makers. 和另一位全职教练, we can better provide the kind of consistency and support for the discipline that is needed: to oversee curriculum matters; to steward the degree 程序 and mentor students therein in support of Guided Pathways; to form and maintain relationships with high school and four year 程序s; to spearhead meaningful assessments and implement improvements, especially around civic engagement; and to meet reporting requirements for Student Learning Outcomes, 单元计划, 和项目审查.
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 解决方案审查建议
  • 实施结果评估期间确定的改进措施
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 实施引导路径:a. Strategic Scheduling; b. 霍布森海星
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
  • 改进过程:a. Data and Reporting; b. 内部沟通