2020-21 Unit Plan
Foster Kinship Care Education

Mission Statement

十大网赌正规平台寄养/亲属关怀教育项目努力为寄养父母提供支持, 亲属照顾提供者和其他社区成员,通过许多不同类型的讲习班,帮助他们满足青年和家庭不断变化和日益具有挑战性的需求.

Program Description

十大网赌正规平台寄养/亲属关怀教育项目为社区的任何成员提供多样化的教育,以使那些与儿童一起工作的人受益, teens and families. Workshops are provided all year round, 并包括持续的每周会议以及密集的为期两天的研讨会. 提供的一些讲习班包括寄养父母服务前, Nurturing Parenting, Positive Discipline, Active Parenting of Teens, 儿童健康发展的六大核心优势,培养有能力的青少年. 还举办了专题讲习班,以支持与青年一起工作的家庭和其他成年人. 

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

十大网赌正规平台寄养/亲属关怀教育项目在每天结束时提供“培训评估”, two-day, six-week and ten-week series. 培训师是管理员,他们审查“培训评估”表格,总是寻找在未来讲习班中改进的方法.

Outcome: 成功地运用策略来支持儿童的积极发展

Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers

What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome is achhieved?

Current interventions in dept. that relate to the outcome:

Outcome: Successful Family Life

Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers

What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome achieved?

Current interventions in dept. that relate to the outcome:


Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers

What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome is achieved?

Current Interventions in dept. that relate to the outcome:

Outcome: Promotion of high family value for education

Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers

What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome is achieved?

Current interventions in dept. that relate to the outcome:




Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)


Strategic Direction

1. Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement

2. Supporting Student, Faculty, and Staff Success

3. Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

4. Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

5. Modeling Sustainability

6. Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Program Review


Department Goals

Motto: The More We Know, the More They Grow.  使命:寄养/亲属关怀教育项目为儿童和青少年的家庭外护理提供优质教育和支持机会,使这些提供者能够满足教育要求, emotional, and behavioral and development needs of children and youth.

Guiding values:

1. 儿童/青少年觉得他们属于强大、安全和有教养的家庭.

2. There is consistency in care.

3. Care providers are qualified, caring and knowledgeable.

4. Care providers are retained.

5. 护理提供者与社区支助服务相联系并相互协作.

6. There is permanecy that is in the best interest of the child.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Community Collaboration

  • 探索额外的奖助金,以增加计划工作坊/产品.
  • Continue to strengthen existing community partnerships.
  • Seek new community partnerships.
  • Increase program visibility on campus and in the community.

  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale
  • Collaboration with campus and community partners.
  • 为家长提供教育机会,对青少年工作至关重要.
  • Provide life strengthening workshops for personal growth.
  • Be available to promote the program.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

Categorical Funding: $311,151


