


One could argue that critical thinking skills are needed more than ever in the 21st century, 如果只是基于现成的信息量. 我们将自己暴露在互联网上大量未经过滤的信息中, 自主出版是规则,编辑监督是可选的. 个人网站和博客涵盖了从愚蠢到理智的各个领域, 从坏人到有原则的人, 所有受宪法第一修正案保护的言论.

当使用在线研究时,你需要使用可信的资源, 这是, 准确的, 真实的, 和适当的. 不幸的是, 许多网络作者愿意为了技术准确性而牺牲事实, or, 更常见的, 在一时的热情中,完全放弃了准确性. 唉, 盲目的热情有时会传染, 就像 the flu; you have to inoculate yourself against it temporarily in order to appraise the claims it puts forth.

This 提示单 discusses some ways to identify the author and his/her/their credentials, 作者的目的, 以及网站可能存在的偏见:

  • 阅读URL
  • 使用导航按钮和 截断 以识别作者并确定是否有活动的站点管理器.
  • 寻找并评价关于作者目的的陈述.


“地址”或URL,显然是寻找网站线索的第一个地方. “点”后面的三个字母扩展告诉你网站的类型, and you might begin to infer (guess) the purpose and expertise of the site on this basis alone>

  • Com或biz表示商业(商业)站点.
  • Org通常表示非营利组织.
  • Gov和mil表示政府和军事地点.
  • Edu表示教育机构.
  • Net表示网络.


但是,不要根据一个站点的扩展就妄下结论. 一个。com网站可能会提供很棒的、客观的信息(比如 www.groworganic.com ),而dot-org可能想向你“推销”一个想法或意识形态(www.cpusa.org,美国.S. 共产党).

The domain (the part just before the "dot" and three-letter extension) may contain more clues. 例如,一个组织的名称或缩写词可能构成域, www.疯狂的.政府该网站是美国国防部的网站.S. 国会图书馆,或者 www.latimes.com 为《全国十大赌博官网》工作.

域名可以让你知道这个网站是个人项目. Commercial servers 就像 Geocities offer "boilerplate" website construction tools and website hosting, 没有问题. Geocities网站上有这个词 your own 在域内. Personal sites may also be marked by a tilde ( ~ ), a percent sign ( % ), a personal name (ssmithers),或者用户、成员或人们等词. The important thing to remember about personal sites is that their authors are an absolute unknown to you, 你要知道的远不止一个名字. Some personal sites are published by hobbyists who have quite a lot of expertise in a highly specialized field of interest, 就像 成员.ii网.网.非盟/ ~经济性/ gctrebs.html (a website by and for trebuchet enthusiasts); others are a factual, visual, or grammatical mess.

After breaking down URL and identifying as much as possible the authoring group or individual, 问问你自己,这个作者是否是这类信息的合适来源. 例如, you probably would not wish to cite organic gardening tips found on an American Nazi Party online discussion group; even if they were perfectly good tips, 消息来源不可信. 在可靠的园艺网站上找到类似的园艺技巧.

导航栏和按钮围绕页面边缘顶部, 底, sides-offer places to search for clues about the author and his/her/their qualifications. 首先,确定作者. 如果一篇在线文章没有在顶部的署名上列出作者(由 苏史密瑟斯)或在底部(-苏史密瑟斯),查看页面周边的链接,如 关于、个人简介、背景, or 我们是谁. 作者可能是一个团体, 组织, or institution (both MLA and APA citation styles allow you to cite an institutional author if no individual author is identified). 作者可能是版权署名的人.

如果你还是找不到作者,试试 删除 URL, 这是, shortening it by gradually deleting elements at the end of URL until you arrive at what appears to be a home page. This is especially useful if you arrived at an unattributed document through a link from search results. 搜索结果通常会将您直接链接到您搜索的内容, 绕过网站的主页. 在这种情况下, 你可能不知道,除非你去找是谁写的或赞助的信息, 你必须知道这一点才能开始评估它作为一个来源(或引用它). 例如, the online article "Thinking Critically About Conspiracy Theories" appears with no author named. 尽管如此,它显然是有人写的,并附有脚注. 要查找作者,请截断URL字符串 www.东安格利亚大学.ac.英国/ ~ j097 / CONSP01.htm,省略了文章本身的文件名(在本例中为con01).htm). 因此, www.东安格利亚大学.ac.英国/ ~ j097 brings you to a page called "Jerry Goodenough's 首页 Page"-Jerry Goodenough being the author of the article. 他的背景和资历都在同一页上. (这个领域, 顺便说一下, tells you that the hosting server is the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. 波浪(~)告诉你这是他在大学网站上的私人空间. Goodenough是东安格利亚大学的哲学教授.)

当然, if the declared author is not who he/she/they claim to be, you may never know this. 你能做的最好的事情就是确定内容本身是否可信. 你可以通过搜索其他更可信的网站来比较事实和说法. 当然, 如果你要费这么大劲去核实消息来源的可信度, 也许你最好使用更可靠的消息来源!

查看页面的周长以查找最后更新的日期. 如果作者引用了统计数据或其他时间敏感的事实, 他应该在文档文本中列出自己最近的来源, 或者在页面上注明日期以显示其货币. Some topics are not time-sensitive; however, a recent update also shows that 某人在某个地方 积极管理网站. 总的来说,这是一件好事.

If there is a website manager, he/she/they 应该 provide a contact link to an e-mail address. 如果没有任何形式的功能性十大网赌正规平台, be skeptical and find another source 这是 willing to supply useable contact information.

作者的目的可能是告诉你, 说服你, 招待你, 或者三者的结合. Information and entertainment might be offered as an incentive to 说服你 to buy a product or a point of view. Depending on the approach, the author may or may not exhibit bias in the pursuit of a purpose. 如果页面内容是片面的,怀疑有偏见, 在不承认反对或不同观点的情况下,提出强烈的价值观主张. 如果作者在没有记录来源的情况下提出惊人的事实主张,就会产生可疑的偏见. 可疑的偏见,任何时候一个网站的公开目的是促进某些东西. 这并不意味着你总能找到它, 但如果你不去寻找偏见, 即使它在那里,你也肯定找不到. 现在, the Mayo Clinic's website wishes to promote informed self-management of health care; it offers information on a great many health and medical issues with a high degree of expertise and no particular evidence of bias. 另一方面, 庄氏医疗, which offers articles on Chinese med这里ne and no doubt wishes to promote understanding of traditional and alternative med这里ne, 还希望促进购买十几种自己的草药产品. Chong's有既得利益想卖给你一些东西,所以这可能是 有偏见的 source. Still, experts often do sell products and believe the products they sell are benef这里al. 因此,即使消息来源有既得利益,该消息来源也可能是真实的.

Page perimeter elements can link you to statements about the overt intention and purpose of the author-关于,哲学,我们做什么, or 使命宣言,也许. Whether the author's stated purpose is, in fact, his actual purpose is another judgment call.

举例说明,URL www.这里.org 除了它代表的是一个非营利组织之外,我什么都不知道. 它可能是一个优秀的、正直的非营利组织,也可能是一个令人讨厌的组织. 访问该网站后,我得知这是投资公司协会的网站. 的链接 对这里, 在这一页的顶部, tells me a bit more: this is an association that presents itself as promoting high ethical standards in investment companies and public understanding of investment issues. 在现场四处看看似乎可以证实这一说法. You might fairly conclude that this site would be a good source for information about sound investment practices or about regulation of investment companies.

当然, the stated purpose of a website may not represent its actual purpose; you will have to reach a conclusion based on your own background knowledge and what you know of the author, 赞助的组织, 以及页面内容. 例如, www.一氧化二氢.org appears to be a very elaborate activist site warning against a pervasive and deadly environmental toxin. 它和疾病控制中心有联系, 国家毒理学计划, 以及环境保护署, 等. 内容版权归Tom Way所有,并包含最近更新的通知. 有一个到电子邮件地址的联系链接. 还有500多个其他网页链接到这个网站(见下文)。. 但是仔细阅读一氧化二氢的页面, 回想一下你高中的化学课, 看看你是否能辨别作者的真正意图.

寻找链接是另一种评估网站的方法. 一般来说,更多的链接到一个网站意味着更多的价值和可信度. Websites often have lists of links they recommend; look at some of them to see if they seem credible. 你可以用谷歌 to search for links to a website to get a feel for how many others find this site valuable and credible. 为了证明这一点,在谷歌中搜索Librarians Index To Inter网 (lii).org). 然后使用谷歌的工具进行搜索 链接 到这个网站. 你会发现有超过8000个其他网站的链接. 如果你搜索投资公司协会(上图),你会发现大约400个链接. 东安格利亚大学有1000多个链接. 相比之下,一个奇怪的阴谋网站叫做 守望者档案 只返回大约100个链接. The value of trying to evaluate a website by searching for links to that website is limited, 既然真的是这样 质量 链接网站本身也很重要. 毕竟, if 8,000个疯子正在连接到因特网的图书馆员索引, 那么链接数对确定LII的可信度毫无帮助. Therefore, don't use a links search without using all the other ways you know to evaluate a site.

不要以为只有你一个人在努力得出关于网站的合理结论. An emerging field of study called Captology–Computers As Persuasive Technology–examines, 除此之外, 网站如何被认为是可信的,它们如何说服我们改变我们的行为. Research conducted in part by Stanford University's Persuasive Technology Lab has shown that, 不管外行人说什么 应该 在评估网站(作者的专业知识)时最重要的权重, 赞助的组织, 及时性, 等等), 他们往往会根据网站的外观做出或多或少的快速判断. 专业人士, 另一方面, tend to disregard looks and give more weight to factual content and the reputation and expertise of the author and sponsoring group. Moreover–and no surprise here–we are more 就像ly to perceive a site as credible if we agree with it.

诀窍是训练自己像专业人士一样思考. 保持开放的心态,但要持怀疑态度. 评估事实内容. 用加州大学伯克利分校评估网站指南的话来说,“总是寻找偏见. 尤其是当你同意某件事的时候,检查一下有没有偏见."

加州大学伯克利分校关于评估网站的更多提示,请参见 www.自由.加州大学伯克利分校.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Inter网/Evaluate.html. 斯坦福说服力技术实验室的十条建议,请看 http://www.webcredibility.org/guidelines/index.html.